Glory and Gravity

Friday, April 29, 2005

Update!!! 2nd Timothy to Come

I will be soon starting a review of Paul's 2nd Letter to Timothy. Check back this week. I love that this is a heart felt letter from Paul to his son in the faith.

Monday, April 25, 2005

Inconsistent Sovereignty

I was just watching a rerun of Larry King Live in which John MacArthur appeared with a rabbi, a catholic, a spiritualist and an athiest. The question was posed about God's knoweldge of 9/11. Everyone except MacArthur and the athiest immediately claimed free will. That God could not interfer with man's will. God , they said was not responsible. Then Larry asked a great follow up. What about the Tsunami? The issue Larry is homing in on is God must be resonsible somewhere. I mean if God is God and he is all powerful and all knowing and all supreme over the universe then at somewhere along the line He is responsible...either by being able to stop things or by directly governing them. If not then what does it mean to be God. And I think Larry brings out something we must realize. Our goal is not to God off the hook, to make him look good to human unbelieving eyes. Our job is to proclaim the sovereignty of God that makes the snow fall, grass grow, determine the roll of the dice and even causes calmity in the city. And if God is sovereign over natural events is goes to fit that he is sovereign over all events , personal and natural. This is not my biblical presentation of the doctrine of Providence, that may come later. My point is simply this. The world can accept a God who is sovereign over EVERYTHING, not just some things. I think people can and will accept that. What they cannot accept, what confuses them and Larry King is an inconsistent sovereignty. One that shows up where it wants and is absent during crisis. This is what we must never subscribe to and what we must fight with all our might. If we as Evangelical Christians start proclaiming Biblical Sovereignty then maybe the world will see a difference and will be drawn to a God who is in control.

Ephesians 1:11In him we have obtained an inheritance, having been predestined according to the purpose of him who works all things according to the counsel of his will

Sunday, April 24, 2005

A Little Insight

I thought I would begin by giving you some insight into my life. Here are a list of things that have been influential in my life.

Life Changing Events

Salvation - What a priveledge to be called out of darkness into his marvelous light.

My attendance at FBC Auburn 1997 - I can not thank God enough for the grace of attending this church, it has changed, my heart, my mind, and hopefully my future. Thanks Josh, Mark, and Kirk. It was the first time I heard real preaching. Conversations with Josh, Kirk and Kristen Hall would prove fatal to my understanding of salvation. God would continue to hound me with his sovereignty in salvation. My wrong view wouldnt stand long. College group series in 1st John got me thinking.

Truth and Life Conference 2002 - My mind and world were blown apart. God was faithul in reavealing his truth to me. My entire thought process was changed. I began the transition from man-centered to God-centered. The doctrine of election is a precious thing to me now, I stopped fighting it. Romans 9 changes yet another life!!!

Summer Internship FBC Auburn 2003, What a time of growth! What great fellowship sharing an office with Casey, Josh and Mark for an entire summer. I wish I could do it over.

Preaching through 2ndPeter to FBC Youth during Josh's transition. What an incredible opportunity to learn and grow. I love to preach!!!

So many other great things at our church, the friends, the fellowship, the sermons. 1st Peter was amazing.

Influential Persons

My parents, Ed & Joy - for teacing me the bible from an early age (1 Cor 10:31) Oh the grace of Christian parents!!!
Harry Tonn (my grandpa) - for showing me that only Jesus matters. He was the happiest man I know !!!
Stephanie Tonn - its encouraging to see someone stand up when its not popular
Kirk Welch - instilling in me a passion for preaching and teaching the truth in love
Josh Winans - for calling me on what was needed, not letting me be nominal, and teaching me to be faithful in things
Jeremy Burch - good times Jer, thanks for your friendship, it came at the perfect time - It means so much to me.
Jordan Minyard - for reminding me to never be ashamed of the Gospel and to love the kids
Mark Hall - for showing me with his actions how to serve others and how to love the flock
Casey Hobbs - what a blessing to have a like minded, encouraging supportive friend,
in this together! There is joy in ministering with others.

Life Changing Sermons

Expressions of Grace - Election , R.C. Sproul Truth & Life 2002
Portrait of a New Life (Eph 4:17 - 5), John MacArthur
The Lordship of Christ Series, John MacArthur
A Passion for the Supremacy of God Pt 1 &2 , John Piper

Favorite Authors

John Piper - I have learned more from him than any other author, I'm forever indebted
John MacArthur - because truth matters
RC Sproul - he brings to light doctrinal clarity
CJ Mahaney - great on the cross
Alex Montoya - what a passionate preacher
Art Azurdia - he brings the cross to the center
The Dead Guys - Edwards, Spurgeon, Luther, Augustine - Those guys rock!!

I could go on and on, sorry if this is boring lol.

A Letter Regarding Catholicism

A letter to all regarding Roman Catholicism and the newly elected Pope. Since a new Pope has been elected I think this is a good time to bring up many issues that have been put to the back burner. There is talk, even among evangelica Christians, that Catholics do a "good" deed in standing up for moral issues and for doing the work of justice and taking care of the poor. I put good in parenthesis because even the good that they do is sin. Romans 14:23 For whatever does not proceed from faith is sin. (This issue will be addressed later) My ultimate concern is that because of the "good" things which they do they are perceieved as the mis-informed sibling in Christendom...a little off the mark but still Christian in essensce. I am even more concerned because the new Pope is viewed as one who will stand up for doctrine and wont get "swept along by every wind of teaching," as the newly elected Pope Benedict has said. It may sound strange to some that I am frightened by the Pope's statements. The pope has said he will cling to fundamentalist teachings, many christians say great. The problem is these fundamentalist teachings are not biblically accurate in nature, they are in gross error. The pope may be against homosexuality, that is commendable, but in light of the fact that he does not believe that salvation is from faith alone through grace alone and that Christ's atonement was sufficient enough to save, it doesnt really matter what he believes about any moral issue.
In case anyone be unfamiliar with Catholocism let me refresh you.

Catholics believe that Mary is a co-redemptress with Jesus
That Mary led a perfect life. - The bible is clear only one man lived a sinless life.
That Mary intercedes for us to God the father -- My bible says in Romans 8 that the Sprit intercedes and that Christ is "indeed interceeding for us"
Catholics are told to pray for the grace of salvation daily
They believe that the sacraments are necessary for salvation
They believe indulgences can be purchased to remit the sins of dead people
They believe that the Pope possess infallible teaching....
That tradition is on authoritative par with Holy Scripture

The primary and major error with Catholocism is its understanding that Christ's work on the cross is not sufficent. It is merely a help. Christ's death cannot bring us to God without other "works". Catholocism is based equally if not more so on tradition and ceremony more than the Bible. Christians must take a stand and not view Catholics as mis guided souls. I think it is right to say Catholics are not saved; they are not, cannot be, if they hold fast to what they teach. It is "good" that the Catholics give so much aide to the world. It is a pity many "Chrisitans" do not. But any work done apart from Faith in Christ - the true revealed Christ, not a mis understood Christ, is sin and therefore in need of repentence. We cannot say the pope is here and is going to do good and be fundamental. They are not fundamental right, at the very core of their beliefs is error. Our primary concern should not be partnership on social and moral concerns but on preaching the cross. In 1 Cor 2 Paul says "I, when I came to you, brothers,[a] did not come proclaiming to you the testimony[b] of God with lofty speech or wisdom. 2For I decided to know nothing among you except Jesus Christ and him crucified." The proclamation of the true Gospel is to be our primary concern and it must be accuratly proclaimed or it is not truly proclaimed. Even any moral good flows out of a correct understanding of Christ if it is to be good and God exalting. All morality and practical deeds of love and mercy flow out of the cross and its sufficiency and power. We should not be happy at a Pope standing up for fundamentalism when his fundamental views are contrary to Scripture. Instead we must be saddened that the line between Christianity and another false religion is again being blurred. We must stand up for the biblical truths and differences. It is good to unite on comomon ground of morality but I'm afraid we've done that at the expense of doctrinal clarity. Catholics by an large are lost people, they are not saved, they are in need of grace and forgiveness. Lest we forget Martin Luther, the great reformer who called the Catholic church in account for the very issues that still stand today. Luther repented of sins daily, he even paid for indulgences, but never felt secure in his "salvation" and always felt God could never forgive him. God can never forgive any of us if we dont claim his sufficient work on the cross. Corinthians 2:14 But thanks be to God, who in Christ always leads us in triumphal procession, and through us spreads the fragrance of the knowledge of him everywhere. 15For we are the aroma of Christ to God among those who are being saved and among those who are perishing, 16to one a fragrance from death to death, to the other a fragrance from life to life. Who is sufficient[a] for these things? 17For we are not, like so many, peddlers of God's word, but as men of sincerity, as commissioned by God, in the sight of God we speak in Christ. "

Answer, Christ is suffiicient for these things, and Christ alone. Maybe we need another Martin Luther to come up and ring the bell of clarity to get the message straight, because if the message is not straight it is no message at all. If you grab on to a life preserver full of holes you will drown. We should not pray for the pope to be one who wont give up on gay marrige and all the political issues the Church and Christianity agree on (and yes there is a place for these things. never pray might be overstating it) But we are Christians, our stand is not on political issues, but on Christ and His message. And when we do take a stand on morality, its because of Christ and His message. We ought rather to pray that someone in or outside of Catholocism (maybe even the new Pope) would bring Catholics out of the darkness and would expose their false ways that are leading so many people (1 billion catholics nationwide) straight to hell. Galations 1:8-10 says8But even if we or an angel from heaven should preach to you a gospel contrary to the one we preached to you, let him be accursed. 9As we have said before, so now I say again: If anyone is preaching to you a gospel contrary to the one you received, let him be accursed. 10For am I now seeking the approval of man, or of God? Or am I trying to please man? If I were still trying to please man, I would not be a servant[a] of Christ. There Gospel is not the Gospel of the Bible it is grossly wrong and we must affirm the truths of Scripture and the differences that make Christianity tue. Just because it claims Jesus as Lord or even God does not make it true. Many will say to Jesus Lord, Lord and he will say "Depart from me I never knew you." They will call Jesus Lord, affirming his Diety, and He will receieve them not. Because they did not see the Lord of Glory accurately and believe in His sufficiency.
Let us not approach this topic with haughtiness or pride, but with a broken heart and contrite spirit. Let us not dislike false teaching more than we love truth.

For His Glory


Welcome to my blogsite. I am new at this, my friend Jeremy Burch inspired me to create a blog site where I can post my devotions and express my thoughts on "paper." I will be providing a ling to Jeremy's site where you can read his thoughts as well. He is currently exploring the book of Psalms. I hope to add to this site atleast 3 times a week. Feel free to pass this link along to those who might be interested. If anything I write is biblically in error please bring it to my attention. I am not infallible or above error. Stay tuned for more. Thanks, Jarrett